Project Updates: White Mountains and Elbow Falls

Work has been progressing well on the White Mountains and the Elbow Falls scene. 


The reconstruction of the White Mountains was undertaken late this year. The new mountains are much larger and will create a much more dramatic scene. Mountain one (left side) has most of the rock molds in place and rock work has begun on mountains two and three. The club decided to use hydrocal for rocks. Painting of the mountains is expected to begin early next year. The scenery between the mountains and the layout edge is going to be redone once the mountains are complete. 

 Click to enlarge

Here is a photo showing the scenery left of the mountains. 


Click to enlarge

Work has also been progressing well on Elbow Falls and the scene is now almost complete. The water was completed in November using mainly Woodland Scenics Realistic Water products. The road is being completed using foam framing (shown below) and hydrocal sanded flat for the actual road material. The club plans to build a road bridge that will go out of the scene to the layout edge.